uaCSTA TAPI für Auerswald Telefone mit aktueller Firmware:
- Open the browser page of the . phone
- Add a new provider / TK-A systems under Settings - Provider & TK-A systems
- Choose from the list of suggested profiles - no profile - import
- Provider settings for provider & TK- system
- Names : uaCSTA
- Domain: DNS-Name or IP-Address of the PC where uaCSTA is executed. Example:
- Type : TK- system
- Provider - Registrar- settings
- Registrar: Activated
- Registrar-address: DNS-Name or IP-address of the PC where uaCSTA is executed. example:
- Registrar-Port: Port of the telephone interface in uaCSTA Example : 55556
- Time period for registration: Example : 5
- SIP settings for SIP
- Server-Typ: CSTA (ECSTA)
- Add a new account under Settings - Add accounts
- Settings for the selected account account
- Account name: MAC- Address of the telephone without separator ( You can get this via the Auerswald logo in the top right ) Example : 805EC00746BF
- Usage: Activated
- Benutzername: uaCSTA
- Passwort: Das in den uaCSTA Einstellungen unter [CTI Einstellungen für Tischtelefone], [Passwort des CTI-Interfaces] vergebene Passwort.
- Authentifizierungs-ID: uaCSTA
- Provider & TK-Anlagen: uaCSTA
- Settings - COMfortel - External control:
- uaCSTA: Activated